
The purpose of the Cornell Scientific Software Club is to learn about modern tools relevant for developing and deploying scientific codes. Researchers from all areas of computational science and engineering are welcome. The planned meeting time is Mondays at 4:30 pm, starting on 2016-09-11 (the Monday after Labor Day) in Hollister 306. We have a list of planned topics, but so far no specific schedule.


If you are interested in participating, please:

Getting Started

SSW intends to run on a yearly cycle, with the beginning of each fall semester as a crash-course on getting started using computational clusters. The first three meetings have extensive notes with the intent of enabling you to work through them on your own.

Meeting Link Topics Covered
Welcome to SSW

In the first meeting, we cover the goals of the club as well as how to begin interacting with your computer's terminal.

The goal of these meeting notes is to provide users new to their terminal with a listing of common commands they will need to use in order to navigate.

Working with Remote Hosts

In the second meeting, we cover what it means to work with a computational cluster as well as how to log into one.

Two extraordinarily useful development tools such (git and ssh) are covered, as well as how to configure these tools to streamline the development process.

Using the Totient Cluster

SSW has its own computational cluster courtesy of an educational grant by Intel. These meeting notes cover the basics of how to get started using the Totient cluster, as well as additional useful tools for enhancing your Unix terminal.